Rather than affecting freedom of navigation, Hua said, the construction will contribute to joint responses to maritime challenges and safety of navigation in the South China Sea. 华春莹表示,岛礁建设将有助于联合应对海上挑战,有助于中国南海的航行安全,并不影响自由航行。
There has never been any issue with freedom of navigation in the South China Sea, nor will such an issue arise in the future, Hua said. 她说,不存在中国南海自由航行的议题,将来也不会出现。
Freedom of action must be distinguished from freedom of the will. 必须将行动自由与意志自由区别开来。
Arminius is misrepresented as teaching the absolute freedom of the will. 阿明尼乌被曲解教导人类绝对的自由意志。
Ethical or moral freedom meant to him the autonomy and self-determination of the human will. 对他来说,伦理的或道德的自由,意味着人的意志自律与自我决定。
It is the main task for civil law to affirm and protect freedom by the means of autonomy of the will by private law. 民法以确认和保护自由为己任,而其实现的手段是私法自治。
In the long run, however, Yang said he believes the freedom of literary expression on the Internet will spur even further liberalization in the Chinese publishing industry. 不过,长期而言,杨说他相信网络上文学表达的自由将刺激中国出版界更多的自由。
Freedom of testament is the reflection of the rule autonomy of the will as the freedom of contract. 遗嘱自由与契约自由一样都是意思自治原则的体现。同时,遗嘱自由原则也体现了对公民个人财产权的保护和尊重。
Contract is agreement or promise about the exchange of economy right, which is managed between party and party on the premise of freedom, equality and autonomy of the will, in order to improve on each economic position and economic expection. 契约是两个或两个以上的当事人之间,在自由平等、意思自治的前提下,为改进各自的经济状况或经济预期所达成的关于经济权利流转的协议或约定。
Freedom is the core of Rousseau's political thought, and the general will is the guarantee of liberty. 自由是卢梭政治思想的核心,而公意是实现自由的保证。
Individual freedom denotes the primitive meaning of freedom, i.e. the rights of a person free from the arbitrary will of other people. 个人自由指自由的原始意义,即一个人不受其他某人或某些人武断意志强制的权利;
On long terms, the capital of China controls the measure and puts open progressively, it is an inevitable trend that the freedom of the international capital will flow. 从长期来看,中国的资本管制措施将逐步放开放,国际资本的自由流动是必然的趋势。
The doctrine of freedom of contracting embodies the autonomy of will, which helps to bring the parties 'initiative into play. 缔约自由是意思自治在契约领域的体现,对发挥当事人的主动性、积极性起了不可替代的作用。
As one of the goals of legal values, the freedom of divorce refers to individuals 'expectation that the law will ensure and protect their voluntariness on divorce. 作为法的价值目标的离婚自由意指人们对法保障自己离婚任意的期望和追求。
Second is that obey the general will mean that individual freedom in society, the emergence of the public will make the freedom of individual come true. 二是从服从公意意味着个人可以在社会中获得自由来看,公意的出现使得公共性理论中所倡导的重视个人全面而自由的发展得到落实。
Limited free will, freedom of expression is not absolute freedom, the law will restrict freedom of expression. 有自由就会有限制,表达自由权亦不是绝对的自由,法律也会限制表达自由权。
We believe that the basis of special provisions culpability of coerced accomplice lies in the relative freedom of the will. 本文认为,胁从犯特殊罪责规定的基础在于其相对的意志自由。
From the optimistic view, the survival of the human is free, as long as have correct way, you can dig out the inner spirit of the infinite, to achieve the freedom of the will. 从乐观性的角度来看,人类的生存意志是自由的,只要掌握正确的方法,就能挖掘出内在精神的无限性,实现意志的自由,完成意志的超越与升华。
The Legitimate Expectation reveals the perpetrator acts with the law psychological motivations behind the formation, reflecting the objective conditions of freedom of the will of the people the extent of restrictions. 期待可能性理论揭示了行为人实施触法行为背后心理动机的形成过程,反映了客观条件对人的意志自由的限制程度。
And only realizing the freedom of teaching, the teaching habits to uncertainty will become a reality; the realization of the true of teaching will become a reality. 而只有实现了教学自由,教学习惯走向不确定性才会成为现实,教学本真的实现才会成为现实。
To realize moral freedom of the will requires social conditions and subject conditions. 实现道德意志自由需要具备社会条件和主体条件。
Section uses the mandatory provisions of the civil law on the legal form of the contract on the basis of respect for the freedom of the will of the parties to open an exception to the hole. 该条的运用在尊重当事人意志自由的基础上,为民法中有关合同法定形式的强制性规定打开了一个例外性口子。
In the private ownership society, there is a serious confrontation between individual and collective, and between the exploiters and exploited exist serious inequalities& there is the freedom of the former, there will be no freedom of the latter. 在私有制社会,个体和集体存在着严重的对立,剥削者和被剥削者存在着严重的不平等,有剥削者的自由就没有被剥削者的自由。
To definite freedom and will, moral freedom and moral will and also their relationships is a precondition for understanding moral free will and moral freedom of the will. 明确自由与意志、道德自由与道德意志及其相互关系,是理解道德自由意志与道德意志自由的前提条件。
This provision strikes a balance between the relationship between the laws and regulations of the "rigidity" and the freedom of parties to the will of the "soft". 这一规定平衡了法律法规的刚性与当事人意志自由的柔性之间的关系。
Coerced accomplice should possess constitutive elements of joint crime, limited freedom of the will, and behavior according to the duress. 胁从犯具备共同犯罪构成要件符合性、违背意愿而选择犯罪的意志自由相对性和胁从行为对胁迫行为的从属性。
Its pursuit of individual freedom of mind to the "big flavor will be light," formed the emotional, rational and aesthetic Chi of one structure, more intangible and perspective of spirituality. 其追求的是个性心灵的自由,达到大味必淡的审美感受,形成了感性、理性和志性三位一体的审美结构,更具有空灵性和可透视性。
Freedom of contract as the basic principles of contract law, but freedom is not the full contract law, which allows full freedom of the subject and not be restricted, will lead to the freedom of Mishap. 合同自由作为合同法的基本原则,但合同自由并不是合同法的全部,允许主体的全面自由而不加以限制,会导致自由的硬伤。
Arbitration, as a means of resolving disputes, the parties to respect the freedom of the will as the primary principle, therefore is the main commercial favor. 仲裁,作为解决纠纷的一种方式,以尊重当事人的意志自由为首要原则,因此备受商事主体的青睐。
However, if there are too many the degrees of freedom of the nodes, the dimensional of polynomials spaces will be very high. 但当节点自由度较多时,多项式空间的维数就比较高。